Harisankar Sadasivan

Welcome to Harisankar Sadasivan's Homepage

Staff Engineer, AMD | Faculty(part-time), UW Seattle


Dr. Harisankar (Hari) Sadasivan is a Member of Technical Staff in the AMD AI Group, a faculty member (part-time) at the University of Washington, Seattle, and a Senior Member of IEEE. Hari’s research focuses on 3 Critical and Emergent Technologies (CET) that are identified as significant for US’s national security- ‘advanced computing’ for ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘biotechnologies’. At AMD, Hari leads the AMD Center of Excellence in AI at UW Seattle and co-founded the AMD lifesciences group that collaborates with research labs worldwide. Hari received his PhD and Masters in CSE from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor where he was advised by Prof. Satish Narayanasamy. Hari’s PhD research focussed on HW-SW co-design for accelerated and portable long-read DNA sequencing. Hari’s PhD research has won the prestigious 2022 MICRO Top Picks with Honorable Mention (with multiple artifact badges). Hari is a Technical reviewer with several IEEE/ACM venues including the longest, oldest and the most prestigious formats. Hari has previously worked with NVIDIA and Samsung R&D.


I envision a world where AI is advanced and performant enough to diagnose and find cures for all human diseases via techniques such as Precision Medicine. I realize that’s a big jump. So, I have broken down my interests for now.

Please shoot me an email if you are a potential collaborator/PI.


AI’s demand for FLOPs has far outpaced what Moore’s Law could offer. This gap can only be bridged with aggressive software innovation. In order to do this, it is necessary to understand the AI software stack and how it maps to the GPU hardware. I designed and teach a course on AMD GPU Programming at the University of Washington Seattle. I am thankful to all content contributors (acknowledged on my slides). Students impressed me by porting several CUDA kernels to AMD’s portable ROCm HIP framework. We ported Dynamic Time Warping, Tall and Skinny GEMMs, ML-based Minimap2 seedingand explored Stream-K optimizations.

I am currently in the works of developing a new course at the University of Washington Seattle titled, “Matrix to Machines: GPU HW Design on FPGA for AI”. I’m on the lookout for a course development TA in fall. Email me if you are up for it.


I enjoy guiding motivated students:
-M. Emin Ozturk, University of Utah
-Juechu Dong and Xueshen Liu, U Michigan Ann Arbor


Recent Publications

  1. Pre-print
    Harisankar Sadasivan, Muhammad Osama, Maksim Podkorytov et al.

  2. Springer
    J.Hench, C. Hultschig, I.Bratic Hench, Harisankar Sadasivan et al.
    Acta Neuropathologica

  3. The Genomic Computing Revolution: Defining the Next Decades of Accelerating Genomics IEEE HPEC
    Harisankar Sadasivan, Artur Klauser, Juergen Hench et al.

  4. mm2-gb: GPU Accelerated Minimap2 for Long Read DNA Mapping Biosys
    Juechu Dong, Xueshen Liu, Harisankar Sadasivan, Sriranjani Sitaraman, Satish Narayanasamy
    Biosys Workshop, International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) 2024

  5. Accelerated Dynamic Time Warping on GPU for Selective Nanopore Sequencing NIH-PubMed Central
    Harisankar Sadasivan, Daniel Stiffler, Ajay Tirumala, Johnny Israeli, Satish Narayanasamy
    Journal of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, 2024

  6. Accelerating Minimap2 for Accurate Long Read Alignment on GPUs NIH-PubMed Central
    Harisankar Sadasivan, Milos Maric, Eric Dawson, Vishanth Iyer, Johnny Israeli, Satish Narayanasamy
    Journal of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, 2023

  7. SquiggleFilter: An Accelerator for Portable Virus Detection MICRO
    Harisankar Sadasivan, Timothy Dunn, Jack Wadden, Kush Goliya, Kuan-Yu Chen, David Blaauw, Reetuparna Das, Satish Narayanasamy
    International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2021

  8. Rapid Real-time Squiggle Classification for Read until using RawMap NIH-PubMed Central
    Harisankar Sadasivan, Jack Wadden, Kush Goliya, Piyush Ranjan, Robert P Dickson, David Blaauw, Reetuparna Das, Satish Narayanasamy
    Archives of Clinical and Biomedical research, 2023

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